Welcome to Anthem!
Anthem is an advanced open source MIDI sequencer. Anthem allows you to record,
edit and playback music using a sophisticated and acclaimed object oriented
song technology. It runs under the KDE desktop
environment, on Unix-based platforms.
It is based on the TSE3 sequencer
engine and therefore provides a great deal of power, combining the innovative
object oriented TSE3 song technology with a simple, intuitive interface.
This open source edition of Anthem is based on a
commercial version which ran on Acorn RISC OS computers. This open source
version of Anthem will only run on Unix-based platforms.
Anthem is still very much a work in progress, so keep coming back to see the
latest developments. Anthem is developing fast.
Anthem is a Trax Software product, written by Pete Goodliffe.
Anthem is a feature packed, easy to use program. Some of its powerful features
- Powerful linear sequencer
- Flexible object-oriented song structure
- Handles import and export of standard MIDI files (both type 0 and 1)
- Playback with real time effects (remapping, transpose, quantise, velocity window, repeat, offset, etc)
- GM/GS/XG support
- Synchro start of playback
- On screen gadgets, including:
- Studio clock
- Virtual keyboard
- VU bars
- Go to time
- MIDI panic facility
- Any number of tracks per song
- Highly configurable metronome
- MIDI echo facility
- MIDI command filters for incoming, outgoing and echoed MIDI streams
- Intuitive user interface
- Imports Cakewalk instrument definition files
- Playback of musical phrase being edited
Additional facilities which will be incorporated shortly:
- Powerful music editors:
- Flexible list editor
- Piano roll editor with powerful 'controller maps'
- Step editor
- Drum editor
- Innovative new stave roll editor
- Score editor
- Select voices and controllers by name
- MIDI mixing desk
- 'Power quantise' supporting:
- Full, unresticted groove setting
- Windowing
- Intelligent snap point choosing
- Humanisation
- Phrase tools:
- Add/subtract
- Arpeggiate
- Explode
- DeMIDIfy utility
In order to use Anthem to its full potential you will need a soundcard, preferably with external MIDI device support. Anthem will work without such a card, but it will not provide any musical output.
In order to use anthem you will need the KDE 2/3 libraries installed on your system and the TSE3 library. Anthem will produce MIDI output on any system that TSE3 supports - see the library pages for more information.
There are more details on the download page.
License information
This open source version of Anthem is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See www.gnu.org for more information.
About this web site
This site is hosted by SourceForge, with thanks.
You can go to the Anthem Sourceforge project site here. It contains more information on the project and it's administration.